Area rugs are often more than just a nice touch: they tell a story. Some of these rugs have fascinating stories of how they were made, or perhaps passed down for generations, and that is why we treat your rugs like they are our own.

We service all types of rugs from machine made to handmade, from wool to silk, from Persian to Chinese rugs. Whatever rug you have, we have the specialized training and tools to properly care for it.

Free pick up and delivery of your rugs or get 20% off if you drop off and pick up them up from our shop! (Click here for directions to our shop)

Our Area Rug Cleaning Process

Edmonds area rug cleaning

Pre-inspect: Our rug specialists will thoroughly inspect your rug, including using a specialized UV light to locate any potential pet spots.

Area rug cleaning Edmonds

Dusting: 4x as efficient as vacuuming, our powerful rug duster gently yet thoroughly dusts the rug while upside down, resulting in far more dry soil removal than vacuuming.

Oriental rug cleaning

Pre-treat: Rugs are treated with a specific cleaning formulated for the type of fiber, construction, as well as dyes and spots within the rug.

Persian rug cleaning

Flood: For rugs with many pet spots, we fully flood the whole rug with a pre-treatment and promise guaranteed odor removal.

Wool rug cleaning

Agitate: We use a mechanical brush to thoroughly scrub in the pre-treatment and remove soil from all fibers.

Pet urine in area rug

Squeegee: If flooding, we will use a specialized area rug squeegee to thoroughly push all extra moisture out of your rug.

Area rug cleaning delivery service

Extract: Extraction is done with our powerful truck-mounted equipment to pull all excess water out before drying.

Professional area rug cleaning

Dry: Rugs are hung up to dry with multiple fans and a large dehumidifier to ensure full drying before packaging.

Best area rug cleaning Edmonds

Post-inspection: We carefully inspect all rugs for any missed spots or odors, and if necessary, we will re-clean at no extra charge!


We are the only dedicated area rug cleaning shop in the Edmonds area!

  • Turn around time- 1 week or less

  • Free pick-up and delivery

  • 20% off if you drop off and pick up

Amazing Rug Cleaning Results

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This water is from just one area rug that had pet urine. You’ll be amazed how much our process gets out of a rug!

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Our dusting process removes far more soil than vacuuming alone. This is just from one 8x10 rug that had been vacuumed weekly!